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Why is it worth subscribing to Quickwill annually?
Why is it worth subscribing to Quickwill annually?
Updated over a week ago

There are certain situations for certain people, for example you could be elderly and you believe this to be your final will with no future required updates, where selecting the once off option will suffice. In this case your first will is free and you would pay per update thereafter. You would self-draft your will, print it, sign it with your witnesses and then give an original signed copy to your executor (self store a 2nd original signed copy and let a trusted person know where you are putting it).

However, for most people it makes sense to subscribe because then you get unlimited updates, and this is relevant when considering the average will is updated annually. We can also store your original signed will for you, if you like. If we are storing your will but you have nominated another party as executor we will make sure your will is sent to your chosen executor on your passing. The subscription can be cancelled at any point after the first year.

Please note that if you have been invited by your financial advisor to use the Quickwill product then you will have unlimited updates, and the other subscription benefits mentioned above, on your profile.

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